How long will one bottle of Lumigan® last?
If you apply the product once per day, the bottle will last 8-12 weeks.
Will I see results immediately?
You will start to see progressed lengthening from 8 weeks, however optimum results will be achieved in 12-16 weeks.
Are there any side effects?
Common side effects: itchy or red eyes.
Rare side effects: eyelid skin darkening may occur which is likely to be reversible. Research shows that Lumigan® may in very rare circumstances cause increased brown pigmentation of the coloured part of the eye which is likely to be permanent. This affects those with mainly brown eyes. Very occasionally hair may grow on the skin that Lumigan® frequently touches.
Once I have used Lumigan® for a few months will I have to continue permanently?
No, this is your personal choice. When Lumigan® is discontinued, lashes will slowly return to their previous appearance.